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The Dingwall Road and Lansdowne Road are part of the East Croydon area and a major transport interchange in Croydon town centre. As outlined in the East Croydon Masterplan, substantial development, improved transport links, and public realm improvements are expected to deliver major change.
The council wishes to make permanent the protected cycle lanes on Dingwall Road and Lansdowne Road and make further improvements to improve the public realm, pedestrian and taxi facilities. This project is being funded by the Department for Transport Active Travel Funding which is administered by Transport for London.
Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, we are letting you know that the 6-month statutory objection period for the Dingwall Road/Lansdowne Road Left Turn ETMO will start on 3 April 2023. If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas on the changes, you can tell us by completing the online survey. This survey will close on 3 October 2023.
The council has made permanent changes to Dingwall Road and Lansdowne Road, with the following work complete or on site:
As part of our improvements to Dingwall Road, Croydon, we are making a further change to the road layout to improve access for taxis and buses.
Please refer to the Dingwall Road and Lansdowne Road April 2023 plan for details.
The council’s further proposals are to introduce other permanent changes to Dingwall Road, George Street and Lansdowne Road, including:
The project proposals do not alter the bus routes in the area.
Detail 1 Dingwall Road / Lansdowne Road Junction public realm improvements illustrative sketch
Detail 2 Dingwall Road / George Street Junction public realm improvements illustrative sketch
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