Translating our pages

Find information to help you, or someone you know, to translate the information on our website using BSL or if English is not your first language.

British sign language (BSL)

If you're deaf and require a British Sign Language version, you can use SignLive to connect to us via an interpreter for free.


There are many ways to translate the information on our website, most of them are free. Browsers like Chrome and Safari can translate pages into over 100 languages. You can also use other resources and add-ons.

You can:

You can also use Google Translate to convert the page:

  1. Copy the address of the page you want to translate
  2. Visit Google Translate
  3. Select to translate from English to your preferred language
  4. Paste the address of the web page into the 'Website' box
  5. Click the 'Translate' arrow button

The translated page will open in a new tab or window and will continue to translate as you browse other pages on the website.