Adult health and social care

Advice and support for adult health and social care

Get support for a disability

Information on the support you can receive for disabilities including mental and physical health, autism, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Information for providers

View tender opportunities, check payments, download remittance advice and request changes to your organisation's information.

Immigration and asylum support

Our Immigration and Asylum Support Service (IASS) can help people who are subject to immigration control and cannot receive money from the UK government.

Policies and complaints

Find out what laws and policies determine who we provide care for, how we provide it and what to do if something goes wrong.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), relate to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions about their care and treatment, and who are deprived of their liberty in a care home or hospital.