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The first 1,001 days from conception up to the age of two are a critical time in the development of your baby and child’s life.
The Start for Life offer is part of our new family hubs approach for children, young people and families across Croydon. It provides support to parents and carers from a child’s conception until their second birthday.
There is a wide range of support available both in the borough and nationally, from healthcare professionals or volunteers to family and friends.
It is not always easy for families, who are facing the demands of caring for a baby, to access this information and find the support when they need it.
The key services that families most require support from are:
Find answers to common questions around antenatal and postnatal care for newborn babies and their parents or carers.
How to register your baby's birth and what to expect when meeting your health visitor for the first time.
Help your toddler manage their feelings. Advice on toddler language and physical development.
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