Croydon Healthy Homes

Helping you heat your homes and reduce your fuel bills.

Croydon Healthy Homes logo

Croydon Healthy Homes is our free energy advice service for residents who are:

  1. homeowners or renting privately
  2. on low incomes or are more vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home, for example families with young children, older residents, and residents with pre-existing medical conditions.

What we offer

Our team of qualified energy assessors can offer you the following:

  • Advice about gas and electricity tariffs and payment methods
  • Checking you receive any priority support you might be entitled to from your energy supplier
  • Advice about any debt you owe to your energy supplier
  • Advice about discounts and support from your water company (such a 50% discount on your water bill)
  • Advice about Smart Meters 
  • Check if your household is eligible for grant funding to install larger efficiency measures such as insulation and to help you apply
  • Help with using heating controls to ensure your heating system is being used effectively
  • Advice about damp and mould issues; if you rent your property, please seek support from your landlord before contacting us

The advice is initially through a telephone consultation. Where appropriate and at our discretion, we can offer follow-up home visits and other face-to-face support.


Support is available if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • you are a Croydon resident
  • you own your home, or rent privately
  • you pay your electricity bill directly to your energy supplier, either through direct debit, on receipt of a bill, or through a key or card (prepayment) meter.

There are no other rigid eligibility criteria, however, the advice and support you can be offered will be at the discretion of the team, and based upon our assessment of your needs, the resources available, and the demand for the service.

We will assess your eligibility for discounts, grant funding and the support we can offer you based on your circumstances.

If you rent your home from the council or a housing association, you should contact your housing officer for advice and support about your energy bills or your home.

How to apply


If you are referring someone else, please make sure you have their consent before applying.

Please read our privacy notice before you apply.

Apply now

By telephone

You can contact Croydon Healthy Homes on Freephone number 0800 292 2529. Please leave a message including:

  • your full name
  • your full address, including postcode
  • a daytime contact phone number
  • the advice or support you require

Energy advice events

Information about events and online workshops where you can find out more about Croydon Healthy Homes is available on our energy events page.

Professionals and voluntary or community groups

If you are a professional or from a community or voluntary sector group, and would like to discuss opportunities to promote Croydon Healthy Homes to your clients or members, you can email

Croydon Healthy Homes privacy notice

You will be asked a series of questions about you and other people who live in your home. The information will be used to help ensure we can provide the best support, and information about other services which may be of interest to you.  You do not have to answer every question, but the more information you provide us, the better the support we can offer you.

With your written consent we will use the information you provide us to apply for additional support you might be entitled to, and to other schemes of interest to you.

During home visits, a Croydon Healthy Homes advisor will do a brief survey of your home to assess which support can be provided to improve the energy efficiency of your home, helping ensure you can heat your home adequately, but without paying more than you need on your fuel bills. With your consent, we can fit some small energy and water efficiency measures which will help reduce your bills immediately.

Your data will be held securely with only Croydon Council’s Croydon Healthy Homes team having access to your personal data.  The team will comply with relevant data protection law including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR. The Croydon Healthy Homes team will anonymise some personal data to assess how well we are doing, and help identify improvements for future schemes, but no individuals will be identifiable from the project report.

Croydon Healthy Homes is a programme running until 2026, and all the data we collect about you during the home visit will be deleted at the end of the programme.

For more information about how we use your personal information and your rights please read the council’s privacy notice.